Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Three Down...Three to Go!

Typical characteristic about God: He consistently explodes our expectations.

Day four of our conference, and while we are tired, we wake up each morning thrilled and excited to see what God will do today. We are holding three simultaneous conferences: A pastor's conference and a womens conference in the small village of Kakira, and a Peacemakers conference to pastors in the city of Jinja. We thought we knew how many to expect, but God had other plans. The pastor's conference in Kakira, where I'm teaching, for example, is being held in a rather large church building. When I say church building, I mean a big empty room with dirty floors and Scripture on the walls. Upon arrival on Monday I thought to myself, "Big room for a hundred pastors". But God knew what we needed. It's Thursday morning, and roughly 250 pastors will pile in today to be fed and equipped and blow the roof off worshipping Christ. I forgot how hungry these church leaders are.

Our women are dealing with a similar problem. There's no where for them to move, so 150 Ugandan women cram into Cornerstone Baptist Church Kakira. I forgot how hungry these women are.

The Jinja conference, led by my father-in-law, was being held here at our hotel. But yesterday, they had to relocate to a bigger hotel just down the street. A room with a seating capacity for 70 just can't support 130 pastors.

I forgot how hungry our brothers and sisters are.

On top of it all, I am shocked and amazed at how God has unified our teachings. I'm teaching alongside 3 other pastors in the small village of Kakira. Each of us are teaching on different topics, yet what God prepared in our hearts is all centered on the high calling of a pastor and the lifestyle and heart he is to live. We never talked ahead of time...but God prepared it. And it brings me to tears to see the response.

Think of it...leading a church without knowing the Bible. We have pastors being convicted of having multiple affairs. They are convicted, because no one has shown them until now that Christ condemns such actions. We have pastors who take all of the offering money regularly from the congregation, because until now, no one has ever shown them that such actions are detestable to God. And before you jump the gun in judgment, know this: When they hear the truth from the Word of God, there is immediate and radical repentance! It's not that they are careless in ministry...but they do not know the Truth!

I forgot how hungry...

The days are long but fulfilling, tiring but rewarding. I can't walk to the outhouse without being stopped on the way in and on the way out by pastors young and old, seeking prayer and advice. And the issues are so raw. We were bombarded by many questions yesterday concerning Biblical husbands and fathers, mainly because it just so happened that three out of the four of us, were separately led by God to include the issues of leadership of the family in that day's teaching. Isn't God amazing? But for many of these pastors, monogamy was a chosen can live that way or not, it doesn't matter. But when the Bible clearly denounces polygamy, adultery and fornication, there was conviction and repentance. It's made complete when our women are dealing with the same issues with the Ugandan women, from a different angle. One pastor wanted to know how much he could beat his wife before it is sin...the truth was spoken, don't worry.

God is doing a mighty thing. I love these men so so dearly. I cannot describe the feeling of wanting to stay. One week is too short. These men need true mentors, and so we are trying to connect the mature pastors with the immature.

Please continue to pray. While God is working, the enemy has been working as well. Sickness keeps creeping up with our group. The children, the women and the pastors love us coming to their village, but some are not so happy. Please pray with us that God will speak powerfully and that the materials and teaching we leave with them will bear much fruit. So far, we have been able to purchase a little over 200 Bibles...I'm praying we can scrounge up more. I'm leaving mine with someone.

I am convicted as well...I hope you are too. What do you truly hunger for?

I forgot how hungry these people are...

Monday, April 26, 2010

Sunday! Oh Sunday...

[This was supposed to be posted on Sunday evening, but the internet has been either down or spotty since then. So read and apply to next Sunday's services!]

There's something about boarding a bus on beautifully African Sunday morning, and being greeted by the driver with a handshake and smile and a genuine "Happy Sunday!" It just prepares you for what's to come. I blogged last year about my first African church service. I believe the post contained words like: joyous, celebrating, dancing, singing loudly, real. I'm so glad to see that nothing has changed.

It's Sundays like today that remind me of all we have to celebrate, and how sometimes structure is not order. We often overquote Paul out of 1 Corinthians, when he talks of order, and go to great lengths to ensure that everything goes accordingly with our plans and bulletin arrangements. We sit, we stand, we arrange powerpoint, we plan songs, we plan offerings, we plan ushers...we even make plans to 'fit in' scripture outside of the message. I was struck all over again this morning as God spoke to my heart. Maybe with all our sophisticated, intellectualized and rational planning, we sometimes lose the spirit of it all.

This morning was filled with dancing, celebrating, joyous clapping and lots of singing loudly. In was real. Songs were deep in they're simplicity and the message (brought by Pastor Tracy, pastor of Grace Baptist in Ventura) was powerful. There's an odd feeling as I witness the congregation that there is a real doublemindedness that sometimes occurs when I speak about my 'need' for Jesus. I know I need Him, but do I really worship like He is all I need and everything I need? Do I pursue Him as the only source for my life? Is He the air I breathe? There's something about meeting with African brothers and sisters, living on almost nothing a day, crying out to Jesus from hearts that need Him and Him alone that humbles me to no end.

Conference hasn't started yet, and I'm humbled and learning very important lessons. We don't need our money. We don't need powerpoint or healthy carpet or good signage. We don't need thoroughly planned out, itemized services. We don't need fancy chairs or pews or elaborate sound systems. All we need is Jesus. If the Spirit is out! Something is going to happen and it's gonna be powerful.

Something to think about before you head to church services today. I worshipped in a hollow, incomplete basement with one lightbulb and thin benches...and God did wondrous things. Happy Sunday! Sunday, oh Sunday...

Friday, April 23, 2010

49 hours later...

Well, we left LAX at 4:30pm on Wednesday...49 hours later, we limped into Jinja and checked into our hotel. It was a looooong trip, but well worth it. As I write, I'm sitting at the breakfast table, full of eggs, fish, toast, fresh fruit and coffee. For the most part, we all slept really well last night which is a great thing. We're going to take it easy today in preparation for church tomorrow morning and the conference beginning Monday.

It was so nice this morning. Falling asleep to tropical rain and lightning and waking up to the sound of hundreds of birds outside our window and the inspiring sights of the Nile steps from our room...I forgot how much I missed this place. Our drive, yesterday, from the airport was four hours of reflection and contemplation over what God has for us to do. It was sobering to drive through Kampala and to see the muslim crusade taking place in the city center. It was a reminder of the ever increasing influence of Islam in Uganda. Ahmadinejad is visiting today and tomorrow, probably for the national muslim crusade...the whole country is in a frenzy over it. I'm troubled over it...

All in all, it was such a blessing to see Paul, Evangelist Fred, Richard and others who have become family...they all came to pick us up at the airport. It's amazing to see familiar faces here at the hotel, where the staff love the Lord so much and it shows. It's fun to interact on a deeper level than just hotel employee-hotel patron. We're family and that spirit is growing deep in my heart more and more. I forgot how much I missed this place...

Please pray for true rest today. We'll be taking it easy, going into town, probably shopping, walking to the source of the Nile. We'll be exchanging money at the bank...always an interesting experience. Please pray for a true heart connection with the staff here and the men and women coming to the conference. If it strikes your heart...pray against the muslim crusade. I don't want to focus on the negative, but I believe that the prayers of the righteous avail much. I'm praying the crusade will prove ineffective, that a man like Ahmadinejad will prove ineffective...that the Church of Jesus Christ here will be empowered with courage, sound doctrine and above all...Love.

Thank you again for those of you who supported us financially to make this possible. Thank you again for those of you who have committed to praying for us. I forgot how much I missed this place....

Thursday, April 22, 2010

And by 12:30am...

Oh...and by 12:30am, I mean 4:30am. Uganda is 10 hours ahead of California. Sorry, I'm a little tired. Love you all and again, please pray!

Goodbye Dubai...

Well, we flew into Dubai last night and checked into the hotel the airline provided. It was really nice. We're all safe and sound, and a little tired. Our bodies are struggling to catch up right now. The airport here is amazing! It's a good warmup for our trip, as muslim influence is everywhere. Calls to prayer, lots of burkas and mosques everywhere. It's a good reminder of why we're strengthen the churches of Jesus Christ for His glory and honor!

Please continue to pray for good health and great influence. Pray for a safe flight and for great opportunities to share the Gospel. We've already met a group heading to Ethiopia today. It's great to swap stories and hear about the work they're going to do. God is doing a great thing, and we are so grateful that He has chosen to use us in it! Please pray! We should arrive in Entebbe around 2:30pm our time...that's 12:30am CA time. If you're awake at that hour...please pray!

- John

Monday, April 19, 2010


John and I are headed out Wednesday morning For Uganda! We meet the whole team (excluding Johns parent who we will meet in Dubai) at 11am in Ventura and will be having a time of prayer and meet and greet then off to LAX for our flight at 4:45pm.
We will be flying straight to the Dubai airport which will be about a 15 hour flight? maybe less (God Willing) then it is an 11 hour layover at the airport. Our plans were to stay at the hotel there but because of the Volcano it looks like we may have to sleep in the airport! God has a plan and we will roll with the punches:)
Then another 10 hour flight to Ethiopia and then off to Entebbe! Where we will take about a 3 hour drive to our hotel.


Pray for Jet lag and sickness to never be an issue. That we would be resilient and be set straight onto Uganda time

Pray for God's hand upon our team as the travel will be grueling

Pray for rest, comfort and lots of fun together as we travel.

Pray for opportunities for us to share with others around us, God's love and plan!

Pray that as we set out that God would begin a work in our hearts that will prepare us for the weeks to come


John will continue to update the blog as the days go on, as he is a much better writer then I am:)
But we cannot Thank you enough....those of you who have given towards this trip. We would not be going if it were not for you! You are just as much a part of this trip as we are. Thank you for your servants hearts and willingness to further God's Kingdom among the Nations!We desire that you get to witness along with us what God is doing with His people there and watch what your giving hearts are doing for the one's HE LOVES in UGANDA
Thank you for all your gifts, prayers, encouragements, and love! We are truly blessed