Monday, May 24, 2010

Finishing the Week

Friday rolled around and I had the chance to share with the woman…it was a super neat time! I had the chance to tell them how much I loved my children but at the same time how often they could frustrate me and how I always needed to be careful how I disciplined, reminding myself that these are not my children but the Lords. That they have been entrusted to me for a time but I am responsible with how I care for them. I encouraged them to be careful in their discipline and to make sure it is never done in sin. How in their culture, children are extra hands around the house and will soon bring the family money as they sell their daughter off in marriage but in Gods eyes they are a blessing, a treasure, His bride. At the end I shared Mark 10:13…How Jesus rebuked the disciples and had the children come to him. He took them in his arms, put his hands on them and blessed them. At that time the children came down to sing songs before their God and we had the chance to pray over them. It was a truly sweet time!

little ones practicing earlier that week!

I was so grateful that God had given me a chance to share. I had many conversations afterwards with women who struggled with the issue of discipline! I was encouraged that God chose to use me to speak to His women.

The team we had this week was unbelievable! The women who taught were such a blessing. They made God's word so relatable and applicable. God truly spoke through each one to the point that every time I had a chance to listen I was being fed as well:) Their hearts were so pure and their love for these women were so evident. Each of us had a chance to speak to the women at some point and each one that spoke God used in a mighty way. Each of us had women coming and thanking us for the message we had...that it was something they were going through or struggling with. God had something to tell His women of Uganda and we had the chance to be a part of that!

That last day was a beautiful time of celebration, we danced, we sang, we danced some more, so we worshipped some more! I was truly blown away by the hearts of these women. That I had the chance to hear each and everyone’s hearts through their prayer requests and despite every trial there was a smile on every face and a song on every tongue. They know their God, they have heard Him speak, He walks with them, they talk with Him, they can’t get enough teaching, they want more of his word. Their God is far bigger and than mine. Their Faith is far bigger than mine. And I want what they are having. Cause they have life in Christ!!! They have true Faith!

Then it was goodbye to the women and little ones in the village. Many needed to head home so they could not attend our Saturday session. So we gave our last hugs and goodbyes...until next time:)

Friday night we met with the women leaders of the church who hosted us that week. They had dinner with us and we shared about the week, shared ideas for next year, and how we could encourage them in their women’s ministry!
These women are opening an account, contributing what they can so that they can start a business of making cakes, and selling them so that they can raise money to purchase flour, sugar, food for the orphans and widows that they go evangelize to. Not just giving them the word of God but giving them an act of love. They are the living breathing ACTS church.

Saturday was a great closing day to pass out bookmarks, bibles, our men had time to answer questions that man of the pastors had... and give one last goodbye to all the beautiful faces and shared one last meal! We combined the pastors and the women together, so there were close to 400 people on Saturday, as some had to head back to their homes on friday! They thanked God for those who gave so that we could come. They thanked God for those who prayed over this trip! We were so blessed!

They had a time of Praise to God for those who gave and those who prayed for this conference! They knew it could not have been done if it were not for those who supported us getting to Uganda!!