Monday, May 24, 2010

Sobering Day

Thursday we spent time with the children in the morning but needed to begin collecting prayer requests for the bookmarks we were going to make! Thursday was a sobering day as I sat their on my pretty little lap top and listened to each woman one by one share their requests to me….my heart began to sink into the pit of my stomach. I was so grateful their was a translator sitting in between us because I do believe I would have just turned to each woman and begun sobbing like a baby over them….praying over them and frankly making a fool of myself. Oh the faith of these women are far too great! They would ask for prayer with a smile on their face, for God to heal them of their AIDS, for God to build them a home to live in, for their husband to show favor to them as they are the 2nd wife in the marriage, for salvation for their families, for their husband to return as he has left them alone, for stomach aches during their monthly period, for headaches, demon possession, witch doctors to leave them alone, being poisoned, without food, sick and dying. Little ones asking for wisdom in school as well as being sponsored in school so they can further their education! These women believe that if you pray God will answer!! Their faith in Christ is all they have to live for!!

(this women sang a song to her Jesus, thanking us for coming to her)

(two young girls came to sing songs to sweet)
I was able to witness something truly amazing that day….during our time of worship I watched a young girl come up to one of the women leaders of the church. I watched as they began to pray, I saw passion and even as we shouted to the lord I could hear those two in the corner praying…later on that week the woman was able to share with me what happened. She told me of the young girl who has terrible stomach aches…she asked if the girl was hungry, she said no. She asked if she needed water, she said no. She asked her if she believed God could heal her of her pain, she said yes. She asked if she believed that this could be an attack from the enemy, the young girl said yes. The woman began to pray, she said that as she prayed she began to feel a tightening in her stomach and that she was confident that the pain was from the enemy. After the prayer the young girl said she felt much better but the woman said her stomach hurt. She said she began to pray and worship and told the enemy that he had no place in her and by the end of the worship song, her stomach ache was gone!!
She asked what we do for stomach aches and I was embarrassed to tell her we take Mylanta.
They have prayer and faith we have pills and doubts!

That is Bernadette the woman who prayed over the young girl!